Medical amnesty bill should not pass

The state House of Representatives recently approved the medical amnesty bill, exempting minors from liquor violations if they turn themselves or a friend into a hospital from alcohol abuse. Lawmakers are concerned that many minors don’t call for help for fear of legal repercussions. The bill will have to pass through the state Senate in order to become a law.

The medical amnesty bill should not be approved by the state Senate. Minors who drink run the risk of facing health problems and should have to face the consequences if rushed to the hospital.

Even though the drinking age is set at 21, many minors choose to drink, especially in a college town like Mount Pleasant. Sometimes, minors drink in excess. The cause may be from the thrill of doing something illegal or peer pressure from others. Whatever the reason, minors may experience alcohol poison and may need medical attention.

Just because a minor is rushed to the emergency room, however, does not mean they should be immune to the law. Minors know they run the risk of getting a MIP every time they drink, even if they never enter a hospital. In a time when the state economy is doing terrible, the money generated from MIPs is crucial and should not be taken away.

Approving the bill would only encourage underage drinking. If the ambulance isn’t called when a minor drinks too much, it can result in death. Those around the minor will face far worse consequences if they let a friend die instead of caring and actually calling 9-1-1 when it is needed.

At 18 or 19-years-old, it isn’t unbearable to wait until the age of 21 to legally drink. A 21-year-old is far more mature than an 18 or 19 year old, even though they are only separated by a few years. Those of age are more likely to control their drinking habits than a teenager who just started drinking.

There’s a reason why the drinking age is 21, and minors need to respect it.

Minors should not be drinking in any instance. They know it is illegal and should face all consequences that come with it.
