Joke taken out of context, people shouldn't be offended
I have been asked to clarify some remarks that I made in a publication that hit newsstands on Wednesday.
The comment in question is a joke that I made saying that I wish a woman would offer her body rather than money for a pizza delivery.
The key word here is “joke.”
For the record, I was a Sexual Aggression Peer Advocate for six years. I have been part of dozens of programs all across the country, promoting the rights of women and condemning offensive behavior toward the idea of Sexual Aggression.
My comment was making a reference to a movie called “Loverboy,” in which a pizza delivery guy becomes a gigolo for hire.
I made the joke that while it has never happened to me, it is a fantasy that I wouldn’t refuse. The joke that I made was made in sarcasm, and did not, in any way, depict an act of anything non-consensual.
To those who took offense to it, I apologize.
I wish you would have gotten the sarcasm rather than taken it literally.
However, any thoughts that I, or any of my affiliates, specifically The Cabin and SAPA, are in any way promoting the objectification of women can be dismissed.
To boycott The Cabin or accost SAPA members about one joke made by me personally would be a misplaced act of aggression.
Was my joke crass? Yes.
Was it, perhaps, in bad taste? Sure.
But does it promote Sexual Aggression or the objectification of women? No.
If you disagree, please, come talk to me about it personally. I would love to set the record straight.
But don’t take it out on my place of employment or my former colleagues — they have done nothing wrong.
Finally, I will say that joke does not appeal to everyone. I have received mixed reactions to my joke by males and females alike.
You don’t have to agree with it, you don’t have to like it. That is your right.
But you don’t need to be afraid to have me deliver a pizza to you.
I’ll hand you your food, you hand me money, and the transaction is over. And I promise that if you make a joke that I don’t find funny, I wont condemn you for it.
Braden Thompson The Cabin employee