If students want to influence who the next university president is, they should attend SGA meeting.

The search for the next Central Michigan University president is still under way.

The Student Government Association is holding an open forum at 7 p.m. today in the French Auditorium (Room 118) inside the Education and Human Services building. Students need to attend this event and let SGA know what they expect out of the new university president.

As it stands, a committee consisting of the Board of Trustees and SGA President Jason Nichol will choose the next president. Nichol will act as the voice of the student body.

Want to see a president who is more committed to scholarship funding than building a medical school? Go to the forum tonight and let SGA know. Think the university is wasting too much money on one project and not investing enough in another? Tell Nichol so he’ll be aware of it when the final time comes to appoint a new president.

Often times, it seems like students do not have the opportunity to input their own ideas into major decisions happening at CMU. This is an opportunity for students to makes sure they are heard.

It may end up that the next university president elected to lead CMU is unpopular with students. But if students refuse to not participate in the selection process now, they will have no ground to complain later.

Every little bit of input helps. The more ideas expressed in the beginning of the process will result in a greater chance of students seeing what they want in the end.

The next president will shape how the university is seen in the years to come. Even if you are about to graduate, you should be involved in the process. The next president will reflect what goals and values CMU holds, something that will reflect on resumes and in professional jobs.

Remember, the administration is here to work for the students, not the other way around. Your tuition dollars are going into administration salaries.

Make sure you get the most out of your tuition money and education by showing up to the forum.
