Who wears the pants?
In the initial stages of a typical heterosexual relationship, it was once the expectation that males would be the ones making advances.
But times have changed, and many females aren't afraid to take the reins every now and then.
A friend of mine who works in a coffee shop recently received an interesting request that she had never had before in her time as a barista.
One of her customers kindly asked her if she would deliver a cookie with a note attached to a guy who she found intriguing.
The strange twist to this story was that the girl ended up leaving immediately after, without offering any of her information in the note.
I think what it comes down to is that many females try quite a bit to be bold, brave, and the like - but the execution can sometimes fall a little short.
It probably didn't take long for this girl to devise her master plan, but it took an equally short amount of time for her to question it.
Wanting to exude boldness and bravery is a natural desire for many, but in matters of the heart, it can be tougher than ever expected - and that goes for both genders.
I actually wonder less about how it got to be that females are starting to make the moves, and more about how it ever got to be that males were so necessarily responsible for the awkward first steps every relationship must take.
I mean, every relationship eventually takes two willing people, so what difference does it make who is first to show their feelings, or in what way they go about doing so?
The beauty of relationships is that each one is unique in so many ways.
I have two friends, for example, who have been dating for over two years, and I think it's safe to assume both parties would readily agree to the fact that the female in this relationship is the one who wears the pants.
It's not always a desire for power or control, but rather a natural taking on of certain roles within the relationship that were once thought to be gender-specific.
For example, he is usually the one to cook meals. She, on the other hand, makes decisions more readily and doesn't hesitate to correct him immediately when he's wrong or misinformed about something.
It seems that more and more there is a much wider range of acceptable roles for both males and females, and as long as the right balance is reached, there are endless possibilities for some unexpected pairings.