Care Line

Tests, roommates, part-time jobs, relationships and money problems ... being a college student is stressful.

What can be even more overwhelming and stressful is finding a friend or roommate who needs someone to talk to about everyday stresses.

However, CMU has taken the right step toward putting counseling issues into professionals' hands.

In September, the CMU Care Line was created. It is an anonymous phone line that operates 24 hours a day, where the campus community can call to voice concerns.

Director of Student Life Tony Voisin said there have been at least five phone calls this semester about worries people have come across. Those numbers prove students need someone to talk to, and CMU has appropriately chosen to address the issues head on to improve the mental health and safety of campus.

Psychologists always site a lack of communication between an individual and counselors as a major reason situations become out of hand. School shootings and other random acts of violence are usually cited as such.

The line is a confidential voicemail system where students are told to explain the situation. It is listened to by an employee of the Office of Student Life every day.

Care Line is a part of the Take Care Initiative, another worthwhile project that began in 2004 after the DeMarcus Graham beating death because at least 100 witnesses saw him being beaten into a coma, but nobody did anything to stop the violence.

CMU community members need to take advantage of this anonymous and free service offered because no one wants to be the one who does not report an incident that gets out of hand.

The care line telephone number is 774-CARE (2273) and operates 24 hours a day.
