Coming out
Coming Out Week, which runs through Friday, is an effective way to alleviate the stress of individuals facing one of the most daunting moments in their lives.
The announcement is not easy. This is obvious. Despite whatever progress society has made in accepting alternative sexual lifestyles, there still is considerable stress in making them public.
The national week, however, helps those people feel that they're not alone. The Gay-Straight Alliance has done well in hosting a wide variety of events, all of which can help the transition seem less formidable.
For anyone considering coming out, the events provide a chance to meet those who have already done it. And it provides a way to network with those who now are going through similar struggles - a form of group therapy.
But the week's events are not only for those who have or who are considering coming out.
Each event, ranging from the keynote speaker today to the vigil Thursday, provides a glimpse into the lives and travails of those within the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities.
Many may not appreciate or understand their struggles, and the week offers a chance to see and hear, from first-hand reports, their stories: their tales and their troubles.
A wider and better understanding benefits the entire community.
All students would benefit from attending some of the events this week.
If directly affected, it's a chance to find support. And if not, it's a chance to lend support.