Rehm named CCFA interim associate dean

Rehm, college director, was the best candidate for the interim position after Dawn Weber left to take a position as Academic Affairs vice president and dean at Marymount Manhattan College, said Sue Ann Martin, College of Communication and Fine Arts dean.
We are lucky to have someone who is so involved, she said.
Rehm has been involved with the college since its inception in 1997, Martin said. He has been at the university since 1975 and teaches music classes, specializing in the oboe.
(Rehm) is a wonderful combination of artist and number person, Martin said. Were lucky to have someone who is so involved. Hes so efficient with our budgets and our technology.
Rehm is first chair oboe in the Midland Symphony Orchestra and also a member of the Budget Review Advisory Council, Martin said.
Hes very committed to the college and the university. Hes well thought of and well liked at CMU.
Rehm could not be reached for comment.
In the fall, Martin will work with the Deans Advisory Council to create a search committee and begin to look for a new associate dean. She said Rehm will stay in the interim position for the entire academic year, because the search committee will not find a replacement before then.
I want to do a really good external search. The college deserves that, she said.