County districts redrawn

Following the 2000 Census, boundary lines for county commission districts had to be redrawn.
Rob Flynn, city clerk, said the city precincts were redrawn to comply with voting law which require less than 3,000 registered voters per precinct, and to prevent confusion when it came time for city voters to elect county commissioners.
Had the boundaries been left as they were, Flynn said, there would have been several precincts that were split between two county commission seats in one precinct.
It makes it very difficult in the polling places to see who is voting for who, he said.
Precincts one, two and five have not changed. Precinct three was reduced to a smaller geographic area with less voters in the Pullen Elementary School, 251 S. Brown St., area.
It makes it very difficult
in the polling places to see who is voting for who.
Rob Flynn |
Precinct six, which votes at Vowles Elementary School, 1560 Watson Street, grew in area and almost doubled in number of voters, and precinct seven shrank in size and number of voters, who vote at Fancher Elementary School, 801 S. Kinney Street.
Because precinct six grew to include part of precinct seven, Flynn said, those now included in six will vote at Vowles, which is closer to their homes.
Six was encompassing more of the student area, but picked up the concentrated area that was going to Fancher, he said.
Flynn said the City Clerks Office will mail new voter identification cards to all registered voters in time for the school board elections. There are 10 school board precincts, including the seven city precincts, Mary McGuire elementary School, 4883 E. Crosslanes St., West Intermediate School, 440 S. Bradley Road, and Rosebush Elementary.
Anyone with questions regarding the new precincts can call the City Clerks Office at 779-5361.