CMU helps students during Midland flood crisis

On May 20, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declared a state of emergency for Midland County after the Edenville and Sanford dams failed after recent rainstorms.
About 11,000 Midland County residents were evacuated from their homes as floodwaters overtook the community.
According to the state emergency news release, “The damage from this crisis has devastated thousands of Midland County residents and business owners,” Whitmer said. “We must work together to ensure everyone who has been impacted by this event has the support they need to recover.”
Central Michigan University has about 400 students residing in Midland County. With summer classes just starting, this flood crisis has the possibility to affect students' ability to take summer classes.
Interim Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services Tony Voisin said that students who are dealing with the repercussions of the Midland flood crisis and have had impacts on their education may contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid to request emergency funding.
“We are here to support our students,” Voisin said.
Other support services, such as the CMU Counseling Center, are also ready to assist students as they navigate these challenges.
The Counseling Center is operating virtually and offering free scheduled video chat sessions with a counselor for any CMU students. The Counseling Center is also promoting Therapy Online Assistance, a self guided, online counseling experience that also has free registration for all CMU students if you sign up using your cmich email.
“We are here for you, all you need to do is call us and we will get you scheduled right away,” Executive Director of the Counseling Center, Melissa Hutchinson, said. The Counseling Center currently has no wait for appointments and will get students a video chat appointment scheduled immediately.
“Our thoughts are with everyone who is impacted, whether it’s big or small, by the Midland flood crisis,” Hutchinson said.
To schedule an appointment with a counselor, please call 989-774-3381 or visit the Counseling Center’s website.
American Red Cross has started opening safety shelters in highschools and family centers around Midland county for any residents who have been left without a home after evacuation. Shelter locations include Swan Valley High School, Coleman High School and North Midland Family Center.
Other communities being serviced include Arenac, Gladwin, Iosco, Ogemaw, and Saginaw counties. Red Cross teams are surveying damaged homes and working with local emergency management to assess the impact of the flooding and additional needs in the affected communities, according to the news release.
“Our hearts are with the residents in the Midland area,” said Mary Lynn Foster, Chief Executive Officer of the Red Cross Michigan Region. “Every person who needs a Red Cross service this week and, in the months to follow, will receive the help they need,” according to the American Red Cross news release.
For more information on American Red Cross safety shelters, please visit or call the emergency hotline at (800) 733-2767.