SGA begins centennial year, final semester for Hendricks, Rose

New student representatives were shown the basics of Central Michigan University’s Student Government Association at its Jan. 13 meeting, the first of the spring semester.
Along with explaining how SGA works, the members previewed the semester ahead.
Vice President Lyndi Rose is making significant progress toward the implementation of a fall break. Rose collected survey responses on when students want the break to occur and presented the results Tuesday morning to a fall break committee appointed by President Robert Davies.
For SGA President Jake Hendricks and Vice President Lyndi Rose, there won’t be another first meeting of the semester. After two years of occupying the highest seats in the largest student government in Michigan, both will graduate in May.
SGA meetings take place 7 p.m. every Monday in Bovee University Center Auditorium and are free for all students to attend.
“It’s just surreal that this is my last semester at CMU and my last semester in SGA,” Rose said. “My main goal is to finish strong.”
Their final year as SGA leaders comes coincides with the group’s 100-year anniversary, which takes place in December.
Hendricks and Rose are also planning a “State of the Student Body” event, tentatively scheduled for Feb. 26. They will review the changes they’ve enacted on campus during their time in student government.
SGA isn’t meeting next Monday, Jan. 20, because it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day, but they will elect new senators at the following week’s meeting Monday, Jan. 27. Senators represent academic colleges and helm SGA’s six committees for student affairs.
Any CMU student is eligible to run for senate and vote for candidates. Candidates for the senate are required to deliver a short speech introducing themselves and, since only nine of the 24 seats are occupied, will only need one vote to be elected if 15 or fewer people run.