SAPA, OCRIE discuss sexual aggression at SGA meeting Oct. 28


Senior Kaitlin Piggott and junior Jacob Helm, members of Sexual Aggression Peer Advocates, describe their organization at a meeting of Central Michigan University's Student Government Association Oct. 28 in Bovee University Center Auditorium. 

Representatives of the Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity (OCRIE) and Sexual Aggression Peer Advocates (SAPA) spoke at the Oct. 28 meeting of Central Michigan University’s Student Government Association.

Eltaro Hooper, civil rights and title IX investigator for OCRIE, presented an overview of the office’s resources and responsibilities. OCRIE provides counseling about nondiscrimination policies and handles discrimination complaints from all campus community members. Hooper also played a video to illustrate the concept of consent.

SAPA members Kaitlin Piggott and Jacob Helm introduced their organization of student volunteers who provide services and resources centered on sexual harassment and assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence. SAPA volunteers maintain a 24/7 crisis and support hotline at (989) 774-2255. SAPA is accepting applications until Jan. 17, 2020.

Senate leader Joshua Moody announced that he is coordinating with SAPA to reboot the Stamp Out Aggression campaign, which SGA and SAPA launched last spring. The campaign involved workshops, tabling around campus and a social media campaign, all focused on sexual aggression, domestic violence and bystander behavior.

SGA meetings take place 7 p.m. every Monday in Bovee University Center Auditorium and are free for all students to attend.

Other business

The Academic Affairs committee is collecting student opinions on waitlist transparency through an online survey. The responses will be used to draft legislation for students to be able to see which position they occupy on a class’ waitlist.

Senators briefed each other on their progress researching potential projects. Their ideas include resources for independent students, more noticeable signage for accessibility features in campus buildings, extending the University Center’s hours of operation, and mitigating paper towel usage on campus. 
