Provost candidate discusses experience as Wayne State University engineering dean

Provost candidate Farshad Fotouhi speaks at a forum in the Charles V. Park Library Baber Room on April 22. Fotouhi is currently the dean of the College of Engineering at Wayne State University.

In the first of three forums open to the Central Michigan University community for the ongoing provost search, faculty gathered to listen to candidate Farshad Fotouhi on April 22. 

Fotouhi discussed his experience serving as faculty at Wayne State University in the Department of Computer Science for over 16 years. Since 2011, he has been dean of the College of Engineering at Wayne State University. 

At Wayne State, he has served on campus life committees as well as the budget planning council, he said. He is the only dean serving in the Priority Funding Initiation for Wayne State. 

“I always want to provide the best service to the students," Fotouhi said. "You are my customers, I have to make sure that I deliver the product to you."

Fotouhi described how he increased enrollment at Wayne State's College of Engineering by providing more opportunities for going abroad, increasing competitions and involving undergraduate students in research. He also implemented programs for high school students. 

Faculty members asked Fotouhi what he plans would be for combating decreasing enrollment.

"CMU has had a dip in enrollment, and it will probably be there for the next couple of years," said psychology faculty Timothy Hartshorne. "What is your overall strategy for dealing with that?"

Fotouhi said that he would identify and promote signature programs at CMU, such as The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions and School of Music programs to help increase enrollment.

Attendees questioned Fotouhi about how he would exhibit the importance of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, CMU's largest academic college, with his STEM background. 

"Where's your connection to the humanities and the social sciences and what will their position be?" said history faculty Jonathan Truitt. "Would you work to understand what faculty in those disciplines do?" 

Fotouhi said that it’s important for the provost to understand how all disciplines work and encourage interdisciplinary activities. At Wayne State University, the Computer Science program was housed in the department of liberal arts and social sciences, he said. 

With over 16 years of faculty experience, Fotouhi said he recognizes that in order for administration to run well it is imperative to ask for help from faculty in other disciplines. 

Fotouhi talked about the importance of transparency and shared governance.

“We are part of one team, every discipline playing an important part, as much as we bring transparency, we bring accountability," he said.

Forums for the other two provost candidates will take place later this week. An open forum is scheduled for Wayne Raskind from 10-11:30 a.m. on April 24 in the Bovee University Center Auditorium. Provost candidate Mary Schutten will have an open forum from 2-3:30 p.m. on April 26, from 2-3:30 p.m. in the Park Library’s Baber Room. 
