SGA legislation proposes free menstrual products on campus
Brown University, Columbia University and the University of Minnesota and Arizona provide free menstrual products to students. Senator Lyndi Rose is trying to add Central Michigan University to that list.
"A Resolution to Support Making Menstrual Hygiene Products Free Across Campus" introduced at the Nov. 27 Student Government Association meeting, proposes to have free tampons in women's, men's and gender-neutral bathrooms in every bathroom on campus.
The resolution states "students at (CMU) may experience health risks due to lack of funds necessary to purchase menstrual hygiene products."
The legislation will be voted on during the SGA General Board meeting Dec. 4.
Senator Mary Chiejina supported the legislation and said students who lack access to menstrual hygiene products are more likely to skip class or leave during class if the individual begins to menstruate.
"They have to whisper to 30 girls down the row, like, 'Hey, do you have a tampon? I'm struggling,'" she said.
Senate Leader Caroline Murray introduced "Exploration Central" during the meeting. The event will be held Jan. 10 in the Student Activities Center and was described as a casual version of the fall semester's Mainstage event.
"Exploration Central", developed by the office of Student Activities and Involvement, is meant to introduce students to RSOs they may have been unable to contact during Mainstage. The office is partnering with Program Board, Residence Hall Assembly and Peer Involvement Advisors to organize and develop the event.
President Anna Owens addressed the recent passing of recognizing Indigenous Peoples' Day in place of Columbus Day on CMU's campus.
"[The legislation] went through the Academic Senate on Wednesday," Owens said. "And it passed by 92 percent."
The legislation was proposed in 2016 and passed in SGA, however, Academic Senate has the power to accept or decline propositions from student government. CMU President George Ross has vocalized support for the change and according to a press release from SGA, Ross will make sure the replacement will be implemented.
Senate members also discussed ideas for future legislation. Ideas included implementing an on-campus bike-sharing program, a fall break and an electronic alert system that would share where a student is placed in the queue when wait-listing a course.