Police search for hit and run driver

Crawford road, between Concourse and Bilbrael Drive, the site of an Oct. 31, 2015 lethal hit and run has minimal lighting and limited walking space.
Four days after 17-year-old Macomb County freshman Ryan Tsatsos was killed in a hit and run on Nov. 1, the driver has still not been identified.
Michigan State Police Lt. Larry Schloegl said local departments like the Mount Pleasant Police Department and Central Michigan University Police Department will report anything they find relating to the hit and run, but so far there is little new to share with the public.
"We have several tips that we are following right now, but nothing definitive," Schloegl said.
Michigan State Police is following up on the 25 tips they received since the incident.
Numbers to know
-Michigan State Police Mount Pleasant Post: (989) 773-5951
-MSP Anonymous Tip Line: (877) 616-4677
-Listening Ear Crisis Center: (989) 773-3329
-Crime Stoppers: (800) 422-5245
A $2,500 reward is being offered for tips reported through Crime Stoppers, an organization dedicated to making the public aware of criminals at large.
Tsatsos was walking on South Crawford Road between Concourse Drive and Bilabrael Street in Union Township with several other people, headed north toward campus. A woman he was with told police he pushed her out of the path of the car just before he was hit. The driver fled immediately after hitting Tsatsos, who was pronounced dead at the scene.
The strongest information police have is the description of the vehicle that hit Tsastos, described by witnesses as a dark-colored, older four-door sedan that would have passenger-side damage.
“We’re checking cars and checking damage on cars,” Schloegl said.
Police are also pulling traffic camera images from surrounding areas to get a better description of the vehicle.
"They're probably looking for any vehicles that fit that description," said CMUPD officer Cameron Wassmann. "Just like the public was asked, if they see a vehicle fitting that description, they're going to take a closer look. Especially something significant like this — if we can play a part in catching the person responsible, we're going to do everything we can."
The road the group was walking along had no sidewalks, was poorly-lit and lined by ditches.
Isabella County Sheriff Leo Mioduszewski said he doesn't recall any more car accidents in the area where the hit and run took place than in any other area.
“Obviously (South Crawford Road) is not very good for walking," Mioduszewski said. "Most roads in Isabella County aren't very well lit."
Tsatsos' friends have traveled to Macomb County for his funeral. Police are investigating based on their original statements.
“We’re waiting. We will reach back out to them,” Schloegl said. "They were all very close with him; they need (time) to heal a little. Some of them have already been interviewed twice.”
He said the longer the media keeps reporting the story of Tsatsos’ death, word will get out more, making it easier to find the driver.
In the meantime, Mioduszewski stressed the importance of pedestrians doing their part to stay safe when walking near a busy roadway.
"Walk toward incoming traffic, and where reflective clothing if you can,” Mioduszewski said, when asked what advice he would give students walking in similar conditions. “The best thing is to stay in well-lit areas. If you add in the weather conditions — that made it very unsafe to be on the road at that time."