Greeks keep streets clean after Homecoming weekend

Members of the greek community armed themselves with trash bags and gloves to clean the streets of Mount Pleasant after the Homecoming weekend.
"I just like to do something to help the community and build ratlines between the city and university," said Grand Blanc junior and member of Sigma Tau Gamma Tyler Khan. "I want the city to know we are about where we live and we appreciate the opportunity to be here and do what we do."
The students meet with members of the Mount Pleasant Police Department in Lot 3 one weekend a month, where they are assigned a street to clean, generally around student housing from Douglas to Lansing Streets. “Greeks Clean the Streets” is a partnership between Enforcement Officers, the MPPD and greek volunteers, who hit the ground after big football weekends.
Public Information Officer Jeff Browne said this is one of the many ways fraternities and sororities give back to the community. All it takes is an hour of their time three or four times a year to make a positive impact.
This is the third year of the organization, which began in the fall of 2011 by graduate assistant John Reusch.
"It shows leaps and bounds how much we care about this community," said Sarah Otto, a Tauas City senior and member of Phi Mu.
She said she participates in the effort whenever possible because she wants to change the stereotype of Greek life making a mess of the residential blocks.
The impact in the community is felt; as Otto and Miami, Fla. senior Scott Norcoss bent over to pick up trash a man on his bicycle shouted his thanks. Norcross said they usually get a positive reception from residents.
"Its all about getting involved and having people in your chapter who really pay attention," Norcross said. "I got a text this morning and I would have no idea this was happening if I didn't."
The idea is to keep all the streets from Bellows to High clean and maintained after big event weekends in the city. These streets are where most Greek organizations houses are located although they are not the only ones responsible for trash or debris.
"Its always good to come out and clean up Mount Pleasant," said South Lyon freshman daniel McMillen.
He was part of Sig Tau's recruiting class this fall and said he was happy to begin doing his share of volunteer work.